A strategy board games for two players developed using Javascript. This game is played on your browser as it is developed for the web platform. This game is played between two players that involve diagonal moves of uniform game pieces and mandatory captures by jumping over opponent piece.
Game is played between two players so one player has the dark pieces and another one takes the light pieces. Players then plays and alternate their turns. That means after a player make his/her move, the next move goes to the another player. At the end, the player without pieces remaining, or who cannot move due to being blocked, loses the game.
The game uses Vanilla Javascript to maintain the game functions. Using vanilla javascript, the game determines all the valid moves, wins and loses of the game. CSS is also used to give the game a beautiful design during the gameplay.
Installation Steps:
– Download the .zip file
– Extract
– Open the index.html file in your browser.
Note: Login credentials are given on a file within the project folder. Be sure to read the file.
Installation Steps:
To run the project, you will need to download WINrar or 7Zip to extract the .zip project file. After you download the program, unzip the .zip file using any zip programs such as Winrar or 7Zip. After extracting, copy the project folder to your destination folder. After you are done, open your browser and type the URL for example. foldername/index.html . You can also open the project by double clicking on .html file or opening the file using Google Chrome or any other browser.
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