Vehicle Insurance Management System In Python With Source Code

An insurance company always requires to make records of its customers details, agents, policyholders, payments, and various other crucial information. Hence it is under tremendous pressure to maintain their day-to-day activities, which is currently being done manually. Entire records have to be updated timely, even a vehicle insurance system’s slight mistake could complicate things. It is very difficult to handle bulk data since human memory is weaker than the electronic counterpart. As a result, there is a need for an automatic program or application, which can efficiently manage the records of the company, provides instant access to all the details in one click , and one that Vehicle insurance management System Python software improves productivity.

As a vehicle insurance software developed by Deepak Malpani this vehicle insurance management system project report automated system, the activities of the car insurance companies are performed within the stipulated time and the reliable and efficient service is ensured to its users. The insurance policy administration system consists of a car insurance system mathematical notation that vehicle insurance management system captures the relationship between policies and objects and the entities that vehicle insurance management system manage policies for those objects.

The main menu of the this auto insurance system contains 2 parts:

1. Admin Login

2. Agent Login

AGENT LOGIN: The agent login form links to

1. Basic agent information such as phone / contact numbers and address which is displayed in the customer insurance information window.

2. All the information related to insurances which he has made to his clients.

3. Commission received by him for each insurance made by him respectively.

4. Option to create a car insurance software new policy to any existing/new client.

5. an option to edit the contact details of its client.

6. Option to delete a vehicle or car insurance system policy of any client in case of policy lapse.

ADMINISTRATOR LOGIN:- Administrator has rights to

1. Create new agent

2. Edit agent’s information and its commission percentage.

3. Delete any agent’s database and also all of the related policies respectively.

Below are some of the screenshots of Vehicle Insurance Management Software:


The software components used:

  1. Jetbrains PyCharm
  2. Oracle 11g database
  3. Python 3.5

System requirements:

  1. Windows Platform (10 preferred).
  2. 4 GB DDR3 RAM.
  3. At least 5 GB HDD space FREE.
  4. Processor speed 2.0 GHz or greater

Installation Steps:

  • Download and Extract the .zip file
  • Open the .py using python launcher

If you didn’t understand the installation and setup process, follow this video:

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