Minesweeper Game In Java With Source Code

Minesweeper game is developed using Java and Netbeans IDE. The game is programmed by Haris Muneer. The game is a Windows game Minesweeper made using Java-Swing Framework. Its a stand-alone desktop game which also provides save and load game functionalities. The game development follows Model View Controller(MVC). The game has a list of features described below:

Features of Minesweeper Game in Java

  • Start a new game
  • Options whether to save the current game progress or not
  • Continue playing on the saved progress when opening the game next time
  • Show statistics of the game
  • Shows live user score board

Installation Steps:

  • Download and extract the .zip file
  • Run the project using Netbeans IDE

Note: A executable game file is also given within the project folder.

FIND MORE on this site: sagargrg.com.np

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