General Store Management is a single-user desktop-based system software where general store owners can easily do functions like maintaining records for users and the products. This software is built using the C# programming language. In the General Store Management system, the user can add products of their store, edit, delete them, view all items, manage their sales, add new users, generate and view bills for their products.
Features of General Store Management In C#:
- Add new products of your store with their details
- Maintain the buyer’s records
- Update Product
- Edit/Delete items if needed
- View all product and their quantity
- View daily sales of the items
- Create new users in the system
- Create or offer a discount system for products while selling
- Change Admin passwords
- View, Generate Bill.
- Add New Product
Login Page

Add product

Update Product

View Sale

User Buy



Installation and Usage:
- Install visual studio version
- Run the MyStore.sln with visual studio
- Run the project by simply double-clicking or using VS
- Add new products of your store in the application
- Select product in selling time and select its quantity
- Create a new user or simply add a user name and contact number
- Select discount if you need (Note: By default, it is set to 0% )
- Click create Bill in order to generate the bill.