Student Management System In Java is a fully functional student management system mainly focused on taking student attendance and sending attendance data Email and SMS to their respected guardians. This system has various functions related to student registration, class management, attendance management, club management, subject assignment, assignment data entry, and so on. Student Management System is developed using JAVA ,jdk8 with JavaFX 8 dependencies include controlfx, font awesome fx, jfoenix, etc. As for the database, it is MySQL using jdbc.
System Overview
Upon running the application the user is prompted to log in using their credentials. If not, they need to register themselves as an admin of the system. Once the user is logged in, they are redirected to the home page where various functionalities such as attendance management, class management, financial management, and so on can be seen. If the user wants to print attendance sheets, send SMS to parents, or want to enter data, then they can simply click on the attendance menu to perform such activities. Note: the attendance sheet will contain a name, number, class sing in time, sign out time, and signature of the respected students in the list. The next module is the lass management where the admin can add new students, create a classroom, assign classroom to students, view their details, do promotion for regular students for the remedial students. In terms of club management, the admin has the ability to add new clubs, update club details, and assign students to clubs. Similarly, the admin is also responsible for the addition of new student records on the system. In addition, the admin can also add the student guardian details along with the student’s information.
Login Page

Attendance Management

Attendance Sheet

Class Management

Subject Assignment

Club Management

Add new Student

Attendance Data Entry

Features of Student Management System In Java
- Login/Registration System
- Responsive and Beautiful Admin dashboard
- Add new students details along with the guardian’s details
- Add students admission records
- Store attendance record of students with their number, name,sign-in time and sign out time
- Print Attendance records sheets
- Send SMS to parents
- Store Data entry
- Add new classes
- Assign classes to students
- Promote students
- Edit/delete the classes and students record
- Add new club
- Assign clubs to students
- Create club meetings
- Edit/update or delete clubs
- Create/edit/delete subjects
- Assign subjects to students
- Manage financial resources of the school
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