Flappy Bird Game Using JavaScript With Source Code

Flappy Bird is a mobile game developed by Programmer Dong Nguyen and is very popular amongst the gaming community. In the game, the player controls a bird, which continues to to fly between columns of green pipes and the player should try to control the bird without hitting them.

Released in May 2013, Flappy bird received a sudden rise in popularity in early 2014. Flappy bird was deleted from all google play store and app store as it was played by a lot of people which resulted in more addition to people.

Flappy Bird is a web based game developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This game is just like the mobile version we used to play on our past times. The game is uses HTML Canvas, CSS and Javascript to handle all the game fucntionalities.

How to Run

– Download and Extract the file

– Run index.html

– There you go!

Installation Steps:

To run the project, you will need to download WINrar or 7Zip to extract the .zip project file. After you download the program, unzip the .zip file using any zip programs such as Winrar or 7Zip. After extracting, copy the project folder to your destination folder. After you are done, open your browser and type the URL for example. foldername/index.html . You can also open the project by double clicking on .html file or opening the file using Google Chrome or any other browser.

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