A scientific Calculator Python Application With Source Code developed using Python programming language to calculate and perform all scientific calculation operations. This project is a simple project developed using Python language only. This application features an excellent graphical user interface so that users always like to get engaged within the program. While using the program, users can see signs and keys which they should press or click in order to perform the task. The project contains the numbers, operators, and signs like on a normal calculator i.e they user cannot enter the number themselves using their keyboard.
Remember that it’s not simply math, logical number crunchers have work a long ways past instructing. Everybody from engineers, to physicists, to planners and contractual workers utilize logical number crunchers and other computerized ascertaining gadgets, to assist them with performing undertakings. At the most elevated level of examination and industry a lost decimal point or a slight miscount can have tragic outcomes.
At the point when the stakes are so high and fine edges are having an effect on everything most experts like to confide in their math, to logical mini-computers that have the capacity to deal with huge series of numbers without any problem. Recollect these are people with long periods of training added to their repertoire, and even they have to utilize ascertaining devices to help them in their profoundly particular jobs.
Features of Scientific Calculator In Python
- Excellent GUI
- Rich UI Design
- Multiple buttons to click and enter numbers for calculation
- Easy to use buttons
- Square root functions
- Instant calculation with minimal usage and resources consumption

Installation Steps:
- Download and Extract the .zip file
- Open the .py using python launcher
If you didn’t understand the installation and setup process, follow this video:
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