PACMAN Game in Javascript With Source Code

Pacman game developed using HTML5, CSS3 and JQUERY along with Canvas free to download with source code. This game is played in browser. Game inlcudes live score and sounds along the game. 

 About Pacman Gameplay

The player is placed in a maze who always eats dots in the maze. In this particular maze there are 174 dots,1 each one is worth 10 points. A level is finished when all the dots are eaten. However, there are four other ghosts in the maze who try to eat Pacman and if they touch Pacman, the player loses a life. Initially, he has three lives and gets an extra life after reaching 10,000 points. Pac-Man can also eat the power dot placed in the maze and if he eats a power dot, the ghosts turn blue for a short period. In this 15 second time, they slow down and try to escape from Pac-Man but Pac-Man will be now able to eat them, which will drastically increase his points if he eats them. At certain intervals, a fruit appears near the center of the maze and remains there for a while. Eating this fruit is worth 100 points.

Installation Steps:

To run the project, you will need to download WINrar or 7Zip to extract the .zip project file. After you download the program, unzip the .zip file using any zip programs such as Winrar or 7Zip. After extracting, copy the project folder to your destination folder. After you are done, open your browser and type the URL for example. foldername/index.html . You can also open the project by double clicking on .html file or opening the file using Google Chrome or any other browser.

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