Hospital Management system is developed using C# and MYSQL. MYSQL is used to perform all the database tasks whereas C# is used to perform all functions of the system. Hospital Management System is safe, secure and is protected by login system. The system can be categorized in 3 types: Admin – Doctor and Staff. Each of them has their own role and their own usage on the system.
Features of Admin in Hospital Management system:
- Admin can add register new staffs
- Admin can register a new doctor on the system
- Admin can update the details or delete the registered staff within the system
- Admin can update the details or delete the doctor’s records from the system
- Admin can see the details of patients which means they can also see the patient name, patient age, patient phone number, patient address, patient disease name, patient-doctor name, patient date of admission, patient date of exit, medicine details, bed details, and total cost.
- Admin can add new Medicine with their details.
- Admin can add test details that includes test name, test price and test performed for the specific disease.
Features of Doctor in Hospital Management system
- Doctor can see the request of the treatment from patients in the system
- Doctor can check patient and make a form with their details like patient name, prescribed medicine etc.
- Doctor can check patients records on the system
- Doctor can also update their personal details within the program.
Features of Staff in Hospital Management system
- Staffs can admit or register a new patient using the system
- Staff can easily discharge any patient from the system
- Staff can view the patient details they have added in the system.
- Staff can view doctors schedule and make appointments.
- Staff can manage medicine and their details.
- Staff can see the blood bank and the available blood on the bank
- Staff can update their details on the system.
Installation steps and other important notes are given on a file within the project folder. Be sure to read the file before running the application.
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