CGPA Calculator In JavaScript With Source Code

CGPA Calculator In JavaScript is developed for students to calculate the total CGPA they acquired in their exam. The basic use of this web application is done by students to calculate their CGPA within a small amount of time. Using CGPA Calculator program, one can select the CGPA type as we know there are two CGPA types according to points i.e 4 or 5 points. So, the students can choose whether they want to calculate their marks on the basis of 4 point CGPA or 5 point CGPA. After selecting one out of these two option, the user can enter the number of courses which is allowed up to a maximum of 5. Next, they need to enter their course code for example_Advanced Database _ AD0094.

After the completion of this step, the user needs to enter the unit and then the max score of their subject. For instance, if a subject has full marks of 100 then 100 is used as a value for this input field. After filling all input fields correctly, the student can click the Proceed button to calculate their CGPA marks and if also click the clear button to reset all the field to their default value.

Technologies Used: JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

Installation Steps:

  • Download .zip file
  • Extract files
  • Open the index.html file

Installation Steps:

To run the project, you will need to download WinRAR or 7Zip to extract the .zip project file. After you download the program, unzip the .zip file using any zip program. After extracting, copy the project folder to your destination folder. After you are done, open your browser and type the URL for example. foldername/index.html. You can also open the project by double-clicking on .html file or opening the file using Google Chrome or any other browser.

DOWNLOAD CGPA Calculator In JavaScript With Source Code FOR FREE

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