Bank Management System In Python is a terminal application that can be run on Windows or Mac terminal easily. The main purpose of the Bank Management System is to ensure that all banking operations such as account creation, employee management, transaction records are carried out easily with one click. Bank Management System In Python is a mini-application so it doesn’t consume high resources or needs specific windows or PC requirements. This system will mostly suit students who want to learn how the concept of the basic banking system is implemented in a console application because this system is a mini-application so it is mostly easy to use and cannot be rely to perform all the major banking operations.
System overview
The system is divided into two categories i.e Front end and Back end. Upon running the application, the user can see three options which include Admin login, employee login, and an exit button. If the user is an admin then he/she can log in into the bank management system using their login credentials. Similarly, if the user is an employee then, he/she can log in to the bank management system using their employee login credentials. After login is successful, each and every user is logged in, will be allowed to carry out their related activities available within the system.
Home Page

Empoyee Login

Features of Bank Managment System Terminal:
- Password Encrypted System
- Login / Logout System
- Admin Dashboard
- Employee Dashboard
- Add new transactions/records
- Add new customer details
- Perform basic bank operations such as account creation and deletion.
Installation Steps:
- Download and Extract the .zip file
- Open the .py using python launcher
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