Airline Reservation System In C# .Net Project With Source Code

A web-based Airline Reservation System for Turkish Airlines developed using Java Servlets, Java Server Pages(JSP) following responsive design. Airline Reservation System is  based on the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture developed by Haris Muneer. Usinv Tomacat rules, authentication and authorization for users is implemented. Airline Reservation System is also secured against SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting attacks. Developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Bootstrap, Java Server Pages (JSPs), AJAX for Frontend and Java Servlets, Java Models for Backend

Web services: SOAP Web Services (to get price and number of seats)

Security Features: SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Tomcat Roles

Types of Users:

  • Airline Admin
  • Airline Manager
  • Customer

Functionalities of Airline Reservation System

A the name suggests, the work also contains reserving seats on an airline for people.

Following are the steps of work flow:

Airline Admin has the ability to set the cost.ticket price of the seats. There should be three types of seats:

-First Class



The Airline Admin can create and update the features of each type of seat.

He/She is able to set the total number of seats for each flight.

He/She is able to see a list of seats that the Admin has added or edited when he/she logs in.

Next, Airline Manager then needs to approve the new price or updates if they see the price as per their needs/policies.

At last, the price and update is approved by the manager and when it is updated in the system, only then it should be available for the customer to buy.

The Customer should be able to buy seats based on availability.

When a customer buys a ticket the system should be able to calculate how many seats are left. They cannot buy tickets/seats if all of the seats are reserved.

The Customer can also consider the following options, to select a seat:

  • Origin and destination cities.Travel Date.number of people traveling

When the customer selects the seat and confirms the booking flight Itinerary should be shown to the customer.

When the customer approves the itinerary the customer should be taken to a payment page where the total price should be shown. After a customer pays his/her price using the pay button, then the transaction is completed and only the seat will be marked as sold/reserved.

After the seat is sold, an email is sent to the customer with the flight itinerary.

Installation and Program Setup Steps:

  • Environment requirements
  • Java SE Development Kit 8 (JDK 8)
  •  NetBeans IDE with all the features including Tomcat Apache Server.
  • Open Netbeans IDE and go to Services > Servers > Apache Tomcat. Right click “Apache Tomcat” and select Properties. Copy the Catalina Base Path and open it. Open the “conf” folder and then the “tomcat-users.xml” file there. Copy the following lines and paste them in the tomcat-users.xml file before closing tag

<role rolename=”Manager”/>

<role rolename=”Admin”/>

<role rolename=”Customer”/>

<user username=”” password=”a” roles=”Admin”/>

<user username=”” password=”m” roles=”Manager”/>

<user username=”” password=”c” roles=”Customer”/>

  • Run the project using Netbeans IDE.

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