Internal Marks Calculation is a Student Portal website built using PHP. This application has a login system for both the Teacher and Students. For students, they can only view their internal marks. It shows the internal marks subject wise in a tabular column. On the other hand, teachers can do modifications to the student database. Each teacher in the application has its own database along with columns indicating the various tests taken by each of the students. If the values are modified, they are automatically shown in the form of the table within the Internal Marks Calculation software.
Features of Internal Marks Calculation In PHP:
- Login/Register System for both Teacher and Students
- Students can view their profile details
- Students can view their marks given by their teacher
- Students can view each subject modules marks on a table list
- Teachers can calculate the marks of each student by entering their id, and marks of subjects obtained by a student
- Teachers can publish/insert the result (marks) of the students and the students can see their results in their own page
- Teachers can update the results of students if needed
- Teachers can delete the published results
- Teachers can list all values.
Student Portal

Teacher Portal

Installation and setup steps:
- Download and extract the .zip file
- Open the index.php file using localhost