Pharmacy Management System In PHP With Source Code

Pharmacy Management System is a web-based application that is developed by PHP and MYSQL. It is designed and developed especially for pharmacies, medicine stores, departmental stores, and medicine shops. The software can perform and handle all of your pharmacy data easily. Users can perform all of their pharmacy account management, invoice create, user and data analysis, stock management, store management, purchase history, get sales report, view products, sell products, view notifications and alerts, income history, and much more on Pharmacy Management System.

Features of Pharmacy Management System:

  • Store Medicine Data on database
  • View, and Manage Orders
  • Supplier section to sell products and manage sales
  • manage account info
  • sales section to view sales and their complete reports
  • expire alert Notifications for the users
  • stock alert Notifications for the users
  • Dynamic Dashboard.
  • Big data Handling by server-side data tables.
  • Server Side Searching for all the tables
  • Easy Invoice/sale search by Invoice Id
  • See Daily Sales Report
  • See Daily Expense Report
  • View current Month Statistics
  • Latest Sales, Expense, and Medicine
  • Backup of all data

DOWNLOAD Pharmacy Management System In PHP With Source Code

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